Month: March 2013

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Things You Should Know About Root Canals

A very common dental procedure is called an endodontic. The more common name for this procedure is a root canal. Many people become instantly fearful when they are informed that they need a root canal Rochester Hills area. While root canals can cause some discomfort...

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Dealing with mold and mildew

Mold and mildew are simple microscopic organisms called fungi; they live anywhere there is a damp environment. Mold is a necessity, without it leaves would not rot and soil enrichment would not happen. Mold has the power to destroy organic materials, if it would...

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What Does a Roofing Contractor Do?

A roofing contractor will repair and replace roofing on both residential and commercial buildings. Many roofing contractors in the Portland area are self employed individuals; however, there are some larger firms that will also deal with roofing that have a number of...

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