Choosing cremation to keep final expenses as low as possible is growing in popularity. But did you know that not all cremations are as inexpensive as you might imagine? Here are a few ways people choose to celebrate their loved one’s life and the impact on the associated cremation cost in Antioch for each choice:
Direct Cremation
Direct cremation is the most straightforward method of cremation. For those concerned about keeping costs low, this is the best way to proceed. The only expenses incurred are usually the preparation of the body, the cremation itself, and any expense you may encounter in purchasing a container for the remains.
This option is also ideal for families who are not interested in the grand spectacle and gatherings of traditional funerals. A simple memorial gathering may be held, or a person’s ashes may be scattered in a favorite location to commemorate their life. Either way, costs are kept low, and the family is allowed a quiet moment to grieve in peace.
Cremation with a Memorial Service
The perfect middle-of-the-road option for cremation is adding a memorial service to the cremation itself. For those who want the chance to gather with loved ones and remember a friend or family member, this offers that opportunity. These services are typically held after the cremation takes place, without the presence of a body. This allows visitors to focus fully on remembering their loved ones as they were.
Traditional Funeral with Cremation
The most elaborate way to cremate and bury someone is to combine a traditional funeral with cremation. For many families, this is necessary to allow their loved ones to gather and grieve appropriately. The rituals and traditions associated with many religions also strongly encourage this option, since it allows for things like the traditional religious services associated with burial before cremation.
This is also the costliest option, though. Families who are concerned about keeping cremation costs in Antioch as low as possible should not opt for a traditional funeral service, as everything from embalming to casket purchase or rental and venue fees are typically incurred with this choice. This can make for a very expensive burial, and it almost entirely mitigates the money-saving efforts of choosing cremation to begin with.
Contact Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center for cost-friendly cremation services.