3 Tips for Teen Drivers and Their Parents

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Insurance

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The first time your teenager gets behind the wheel of a car is a pivotal moment in both of your lives. No longer are you in sole control of where they go, whom they see, and getting them there safely. You have already paid high rates for Auto Insurance in Mundelein IL, so that your teen can drive on the roads, now you are concerned about keeping her safe while she is driving.


Below you will find some tips that after paying the high teen rates for Auto Insurance in Mundelein IL, you can use to keep your child safe when they are on the road. You will also find a few tips for lowering those insurance rates as well.

Invest in a Safe Driving Class

Everyone knows that the more practice a teenage driver has, the better off they are. If you invest in an approved safety class for them, you can be sure they are not only gaining experience, but it may lower your insurance rates as well. Many insurance companies offer discounts for teen drivers who take a driving safety class.

Purchase the Right Car

You should purchase the right car for your teen driver. While they may want that flashy, red sports car, they are not responsible enough to be driving a car of that kind. Buy them a car that is good for a teen driver. You need to remember that the more sporty the car, the more your insurance rates are going to be as well.

Have a Serious Heart to Heart

One of the most important things you need to do is sit your teen driver down and have a heart to heart talk. They need to realize exactly how serious driving is. Make sure they know your auto insurance service in Mundelein IL, rates will go up if they get in any type of accident or get a speeding ticket. Your teen needs to realize driving is a privilege that can be taken away if they don’t do as they are supposed to.

These are just a few tips to keep your child safe when they start driving and to lower the rates through Alamo Insurance and Financial Service. From having a serious heart to heart to buying the right car, you can be sure you have done all you can do to keep your teen safe.

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