If you’ve ever wondered why we’re obsessed with pizza, here are 10 excellent reasons to hopefully answer the burning questions in your head:
It’s the perfect cure-all
Bad day at the office? Long meetings, bad bosses and snarky work colleagues can put a damper on your day. Ordering a box of pizza with your favorite toppings is an easy way to unwind and get all that stress out of your system, the Cosmopolitan says. We agree wholeheartedly.
It has cheese
Imagine this: melted, gooey choose on warm pie. If you love the taste and flavors of cheese, then that’s probably why pizza is on the list of foods you can’t live without. And with pizza restaurants in York County Maine, you’ll always know where to go if you want your pizza done right.
It’s got diversity
One of the best things to love about pizza is its diversity. Love pineapples? Go for the Hawaiian. Have a hankering for lobster? Scout through pizza restaurants in York County Maine and look for one that offers fresh Maine lobster on its pizza menu. Whether you want something vegetarian or a pie with four types of cheese, pizza options offer a lot of options to satisfy your taste and palate.
It’s available on delivery
Have a craving for pizza but don’t want to have to go out again to grab dinner? Or maybe you aren’t in the mood to take a bath before you run to your favorite pizza place? Make a call instead. Plenty of restaurants deliver those pizzas to your address so you won’t have to waste time soul-searching and asking yourself if you want to leave your couch or not.
It’s delicious
The best thing about pizza is its taste. With different flavors and fresh ingredients, it’s like getting a taste of heaven in your mouth every single time.