Taking care of your teeth is not only important for your oral health, but is also important for the health of your body. Many recent studies have found a direct link between oral health and the health of the heart. Keeping your smile healthy involves you being proactive in your dental care by brushing and flossing your teeth after every meal. At the very least, you should brush your teeth morning and night. Dentists have found those who practice good oral hygiene have less risk of developing oral health concerns that can cause damage and tooth loss. Aside from the care you take at home, you also need General Dentistry in Louisville KY, to keep your oral health prime.
How Does General Denistry in Louisville KY Help Keep Your Smile Healthy?
Preventative care is one of the biggest weapons against cavities and gum disease. When a cavity first begins, it typically does not present symptoms until it has advanced into the soft tissue of the tooth. Once you begin to feel pain, this means the cavity has progressed. This is why it is important to find cavities in their early stages, before they begin to cause damage. This can only be accomplished through routine dental examinations. When found early, the cavity can be treated promptly, so the health of your tooth is not compromised.
Gum disease is one of the major oral health concerns people face. What starts out as a mild form of gingivitis can quickly give rise to periodontal disease. In the later stages of this disease, pockets of infection form around the base of the teeth, causing them to become loosened and eventually fall out. With routine dental care, gum disease can be found in its early stages and treated before tooth loss occurs.
If you are in need of preventative dental care services, Click Here and visit the site at Moore-smiles.com. Through their comprehensive dental care, your teeth and gums will be routinely monitored for any signs of oral health concerns. Contact them today, to ensure your smile stays as healthy as it possibly can be.