Have you ever wondered if you really need to have a dental crown placed? Aside from the obvious of having Same Day Crowns in Crestwood, KY placed, there are other signs that they could be beneficial. These signs are highlighted here.
You are Having a Root Canal
A root canal is the result of an infection that has reached the nerve of your tooth, which causes an infection at the root. The tooth must first be drained and then sealed off. However, after the treatment it is a good idea to have Same Day Crowns in Crestwood, KY placed. After the process of a root canal, the tooth is completely dead, which means it is much more brittle and can break much more easily. If there have already been a few cavities in the tooth, it will be much more susceptible to breakage. The placement of a crown will provide an extra layer of protection, as well as additional strength.
There is a Deep Crack in Your Tooth
If you have a cracked tooth, it does not mean that it will always require an actual dental crown. However, if there is a crack present, you will need to see a dentist as soon as you can to determine how bad the actual crack is. If there is a deeper crack present, it is essential that a crown is placed to protect the tooth.
The Tooth has become Chipped
If you have a tooth that is chipped due through the course of the day, with no trauma or injury, it is a clear sign that you will require a crown. If you have healthy and strong teeth, they will not chip. However, crumbling and fragile teeth do. A dental crown can provide protection for the tooth and ensure that the root does not become damaged, which would kill the entire tooth.
If you are still unsure if you need a crown for your tooth, it is a good idea to talk with your dentist, or seek additional resources about the procedure and if it is the right procedure for your particular needs.