4 FAQs About Paleo Diet Meals Answered

by | Aug 20, 2014 | Business

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Many people are interested in the paleo diet. Meals follow the caveman diet with a focus on vegetables, healthy meals, nuts, some fruits and eliminate sugar, dairy, and grains. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers on the paleo diet.

How Long is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet meal is taken, by some, as a bit of a fad diet used to lose weight. Others who embark on it for a lifestyle choice or due to health, autoimmune issues, or food allergies choose it on a long term basis. Most paleo diet experts recommend trying it for at least a month to get optimum results. From there you may or may not opt to do it for a longer period of time.

Are Paleo Diet Meals Expensive?

Shopping for groceries for any diet plan could be expensive. Many paleo diet enthusiasts opt for organic produce and hormone free organic meats. You can still follow the paleo diet without buying organic and without spending extra on organic meats. You should, however, be choosy about your shopping. A bit of preparation and shopping for specials as well as taking the time to learn about the best sources for your food (local farmers markets, buying produce seasonally, washing vegetables and fruits thoroughly, and keeping the ‘dirty dozen’ in mind so that you can pick and choose where to spend more for organic can help.

Can I Eat Rice, Grains, and Sugar Sometimes?

Anyone trying a new diet is encouraged to follow it to the letter, if possible, for optimum results. Many paleo diet enthusiasts are very strict about what they will consume. That said, if you occasional consume something off the list of approved foods, it doesn’t mean your diet is de-railed. Some people, once doing the plan strictly for 30 days, follow a modified version to consume the occasional amount of grain, sugar, or processed food.

Looking to find more information about paleo diet meals? Click here

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