Three Indicators That It May Be Time For Air Conditioning Replacement in Palm Harbor

by | Oct 1, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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The air conditioner in your home is what helps you remain comfortable during the hot and humid days of summer. While most air conditioning units are designed to provide years of reliable service, like any machine, as they age they are prone to breaking down. If you notice any of the following issues with your AC unit, it may be time to talk to a contractor about Air conditioning replacement in Palm Harbor. While these symptoms may seem like non-issues, if they are ignored, you could be left without working AC, be forced to deal with the hot conditions of summer without a reprieve. Schedule to have your AC unit inspected if you have any of the problems below.

Loud Sounds Coming From Your Condenser or Fan Unit: If you notice that loud sounds are coming from the unit in or outside of your home, it could be an indicator that a major problem is about to surface. Some sounds that indicate immediate attention is required include those that are a high pitch screech or sound like grating metal. Major components could be malfunctioning, and could cause your unit to stop working if they are not repaired or replaced.

Warm Air Blowing Through Your Vents: One of your first indicators that you may be having a problem is if you notice warm air blowing from your vents while your furnace is operating. While it could be a simple fix, such as recharging your coolant levels, it could also be more serious and cause you to need air conditioning replacement in Palm Harbor.

Constant Running of your Fan or Condenser Unit: Your AC unit is designed to turn on and off as the temperature in your home changes. If your home is staying cool but your furnace is running constantly, it could mean that your unit is having to work harder to compensate for mechanical issues in order to maintain the desired temperature.

A technician will be able to assess your furnace and determine if it can be repaired, or if it is in need of being replaced.Make sure you contact the professionals at Airprompt Heating and Air Conditioning Inc when you notice an issue, so you can have it resolved and keep your home cool all season long. Call them today to see how easy and affordable maintaining your heating and cooling system can be. You have nothing to lose, and only year-round comfort to gain.

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