Overcoming Dental Anxiety Is Not so Difficult With a Sedation Dentist in Long Island

by | Mar 30, 2015 | Dental Care

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Sedation dentistry has been around for many years, but has only recently been placed in the spotlight. This form of dentistry was brought about because many people avoid the dentist each year due to their dental anxiety. This anxiety and fear prevents them from receiving the dental care they desperately need. Through a sedation dentist in Long Island, people can receive the care they need for their anxiety and their oral health.

Sedation dentistry has helped millions of people to be able to receive the dental care they need, without suffering through anxiety and fear. There are different levels of sedation, depending on the degree of anxiety the patient suffers with and what type of procedure is being carried out.

Sedation dentistry can benefit many different patient scenarios, including:

   *     Patients who cannot bear the thought of being awake during any dental procedure

   *     Those who feel a little nervous over dental procedures and need help in feeling relaxed

   *     For people who are fearful of needles or certain types of dental procedures

   *     Patients who have mental health concerns

   *     A patient is going through a complex invasive procedure

   *     For those who have not been helped in the past through other dental anxiety options

The primary goal of a Sedation dentist in Long Island, is to do whatever it takes to make a patient comfortable so they can have the dental work they need carried out. Some patients cannot handle any type of dental procedure, even teeth cleaning, without some type of intervention.

Others may have had a bad dental experience in the past and need help to cope with current dental appointments. No matter the reason for the dental anxiety, there is help available.

   *     IV medications can be used to place a person in a state where they can rest during the procedure and not remember it.

   *     Nitrous oxide is for those who have mild anxiety and can also be used in conjunction with IV medications.

   *     General anesthesia is typically a last resort due to its risk, but it is available for patients with severe dental anxiety.

For more information on sedation dentistry and how it may help you, visit  They can assist you in overcoming your dental anxiety so you can have your oral health protected.

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