Do You Need Sports Injury Rehab?

by | Apr 3, 2015 | Games & Sports

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When a person plays any type of sport, they are at a risk of developing injury. This is especially true in contact sports like football. When a person becomes injured, they can experience major pain and mobility issues that can keep them from participating in the activities they love. Through Business Name, pain can be overcome and mobility can be renewed so the injured person is able to get back in the game. While there are many injuries that may occur when participating in sports, these are the most common:

  • Ankle sprains can leave the ankle area swollen and bruised. This can cause severe pain that can last for several weeks, making it impossible for the ankle to bear any weight.
  • Groin pulls are one of the most painful muscle conditions. This can cause severe pain that is difficult to find relief for.
  • Hamstring strains are common in those who play football or basketball and can leave a player out of the game for weeks.
  • Shin splints can occur in sports activity that cause bursts of running speed. This condition causes severe pain and burning on the front of the legs and down the shin bone.
  • ACL tears in the knees can cause the need for surgery. This painful condition prevents proper movement of the knee and can take months to recover from.
  • Tennis elbow often occurs in tennis players, baseball players and softball players, though anyone can experience the injury. This is caused by repetitive motions of the elbow.

Physical therapy can help with a variety of different types of sports injuries. This can stop the progression of damage and can help control pain. A sports injury therapist can assist injured people in finding the right treatment to help them overcome their injuries and get back to living a normal life.

People who are injured from a sports injury should consider seeking physical therapy and chiropractic treatment. These treatments seek to relieve pain without the strong reliance of dangerous pain medications. Through treatment, people can overcome their injuries more quickly and find the relief they need from their pain.

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