No question has caused such controversy and division among Christians than the issue of ‘is the Earth really 6,000 years old’? Some Christians, known as ‘Young Earth Creationists’ would say that, yes, the Bible shows that creation truly is no older than this. Other Christians are uncomfortable with this interpretation but can’t find a way around the assertion from the standard interpretation of the Genesis creation stories.
Young Earth or Ancient Universe?
To assert that the Earth is only 6,000 years old is a difficult proposition in modern times, especially as it flies in the face of such apparently overwhelming scientific evidence. Scientific discoveries in the field of paleontology, geology and cosmology appear to show that the universe is unimaginably old. This threatens to place Christians in the terrible position of having to make a choice between rejecting the sciences or turning their backs on the Bible.
Meanwhile, the enemies of Christianity use the Genesis story as a weapon to discredit the faith. ‘If the Genesis creation story is not true, then how can the rest of the Bible be believed?
Is faith incompatible with science?
The answer to this question is simply no. The problem is not that the observations of modern science are wrong, or that the Genesis story is incorrect. People have merely been looking at the issue in the wrong way. A careful study of the eschatological prophecies shows that the Bible uses beautiful poetic and symbolic language to describe real-world historical events. This is as true of the creation as it is of the prophecies of the end-times.
A new interpretation
A Preterist Theological and historical interpretation of the prophecies concerning the end of days liberates Christians from the necessity of ‘squaring the circle’ and believing the Genesis account to be literally true. Instead, the way is open to see the Genesis creation story as a powerful symbolic account of the creation of the Universe and the evolution of life according to God’s plan.
When rigorously examined in this new light, the Genesis story is shown not only to be fully plausible, but to be completely in line with the latest cosmological ideas of modern science. Far from discrediting the infallible truth of the Bible, the creation account proves the beauty and wonder of God’s creation and his unfolding revelation to humankind.