Preventing Tooth Death with the Help of a Cosmetic Dentist in Verona

by | Jun 6, 2015 | Dental Care

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Your teeth are alive, and therefore they may die. Any type of endodontic treatment can recover lost teeth after they have died. To understand this concept, you need to know the anatomy of the tooth. Click here or continue reading to learn more.

Causes of death of the tooth

The most common causes of death of the dental pulp are physical trauma, dental cracks and cavities. The visible part of the tooth is only the upper third, and is known as the crown while the part of the tooth that is embedded within the bone is called the root. All teeth are composed of three layers. The enamel is the outermost layer covering the crown while the cement does the same function but at the root. Both layers are calcified and hard. Just below, these layers are dentin. And below the dentin the dental pulp is composed of blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. It is the one thing that gives life to the tooth and is popularly known as the ‘nerve’. The tooth nerves and blood vessels enter the dental pulp by the apex of the tooth and take up most of the inside of the roots and crown. Your Cosmetic Dentist in Verona can provide you with the different techniques available.

Extent of infection

When the pulp is injured or infected to the point that it cannot repair itself, it dies. The most common causes of tooth death are trauma, tooth cracks or cavities. When the pulp becomes infected due to the bacteria, pus or gas within the root canal, it causes pain and inflammation. If left untreated, the infection may continue deepening, reaching the bone and causing tooth abscess.

An endodontic treatment requires the dentist to medicate the area, remove the damaged tissue and seal the root canals. This is achieved by opening an entryway in the dental crown to reach the pulp chamber and thus clean it. If more than one visit is required, the tooth is sealed with a temporary filling by your local Cosmetic Dentist in Verona. Once the infection has been controlled, and the root canals are sealed, the tooth crown must be restored with a filling or a crown. This procedure gives your tooth a second chance at life. Call Philip E Toaldo DDS PA in Verona to learn more.


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