Reasons to Get Farm Auto Insurance in Tyrone, PA

by | Aug 18, 2015 | Insurance Services

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It’s always important to carry the right type of insurance to fix or replace anything valuable you own should something unforeseen happen. That’s why people need car insurance if they have cars and home insurance if they buy a house. People who have farms may need different types of insurance than those who don’t own farms. For example, they need coverage for their farm equipment, tools, tractors, barns, livestock and farm as well as liability insurance and, perhaps, workers comp if they have a certain number of employees. One thing not all farm owners may be aware of is that there is also farm auto insurance.

When arranging insurance coverage, ask about Farm Auto Insurance in Tyrone PA. Vehicles that are used for farm business, including autos, semis, and trailers, may need different coverage than those that are just personal vehicles. These vehicles can be particularly important to the working of the farm, as they may be needed for transporting the products of the farm, such as livestock or produce, to wherever these products are sold. Having the right type of Farm Auto Insurance in Tyrone PA, can ensure that these vehicles are covered no matter what happens to them so they can be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Should bad road conditions, weather, or other drivers cause damage to the farm vehicles, having this type of coverage helps get the vehicles back up and running quickly to limit any disruption of activities on the farm as much as possible.

Farm autos and autos used solely for personal use may be covered under the same policy. Both types of vehicles need some of the same types of coverage, such as liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive car insurance, and uninsured motorist insurance. However, depending on the use and the type of vehicle they may need other, additional coverage or they may need more or less of certain types of coverage than non-farm autos. This type of coverage is available even if the vehicles used on the farm are rented instead of purchased. You can Click Here to find out more about the various types of farm insurance you may need.

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