Individuals who have sharp tooth pain due to damage or an infection on the inside of a tooth should visit a dentist who specializes in Root Canals in North Mississippi. This procedure cleans out the infection and decay that’s inside the tooth and relieves the pain. Learn more about root canal procedures by reading the questions and answers below.
Q.) What causes the inside of a tooth to become damaged and infected?
A.) The pulp is located in the center of the tooth and extends down into the tooth roots. Inside the pulp is where the nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue are located. If a tooth has been fractured or if there’s excessive decay in the tooth, the pulp can become infected due to bacteria. If the infection is not cleaned out of the tooth, it can turn into an abscess and completely destroy the tooth. When an individual has an abscessed tooth, other symptoms include a swollen jaw, tooth sensitivity and extreme tooth pain.
Q.) How does a dentist perform a root canal procedure on a damaged and infected tooth?
A.) Before the procedure, the dentist will order x-rays of the tooth and examine the results to determine the amount of damage to the tooth. The dentist removes the decay from the tooth and drills an opening into the top of the tooth crown. Using small dental instruments, the dentist cleans out the infected pulp from the center of the tooth. After the dentist flushes out any remaining debris from the center of the tooth, it’s filled with a pliable substance. Next, a dentist who specializes in Root Canals in North Mississippi will close the opening on the top of the tooth with a filling. At a later date, the dentist will place a crown on the tooth if too much of the natural tooth is missing due to decay.
If you need a root canal procedure, visit the dental office of Bruce A. Denney. Other procedures performed in this clinic include cosmetic dental procedures and family dentistry. Visit the website to find out more information about the available procedures and to contact the office for an appointment.