Choosing New Lighting for a Room: How Electricians in Wichita Can Help

by | Apr 26, 2016 | Electricians and Electrical

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Part of the remodeling plans for the home include installing new lighting in the living and dining rooms. While the old fixtures were adequate, the homeowner wonders if something different would be better for the space. By contacting one of the Electricians Wichita and asking for some suggestions, there is a good chance of finding something that makes each of those spaces better than ever. Here are some examples.

Considering Recessed Lighting

As any of the Electricians Wichita will explain, the use of recessed lighting adds illumination in areas that are typically overlooked. In addition, the lighting is usually subtle enough to cast a warm glow rather than add to the glare. Consider how easy it would be to enjoy a romantic dinner with nothing more than a couple of tapers on the table and recessed lighting around the top of the a couple of walls. The result is just enough light to see but not so much that the beauty of the candles are lost in the mix.

How About Track Lighting?

People who like the idea of giving a living room a more contemporary feel will want to talk with an electrician about track lighting. Mounted near the ceiling, the lights can be moved along the expanse with ease. Many designs make it easy to control the direction of each light. In addition to allowing the homeowner to adjust the angle of each light with ease, track lighting also frees up floor space in terms of eliminating floor and table lamps.

Dimmer Switches

Even if the more traditional forms of lighting fixtures are preferable, it never hurts to ask the electrician to add a dimmer switch. The switch makes it easy to control the amount of light cast by the overhead fixture. That means when a little would be nice but a lot is not needed, it is possible to dim the light so that it is perfect for the occasion.

For any homeowner who is wondering what to do with the lighting fixtures in one or more rooms, call the team at Tracy Electric Inc today. With a little help from a professional, it will be easy to come up with a solution that will serve the family well for years to come.

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