Working With An Alimony Lawyer in Folsom CA To Get The Support You Need

by | Oct 12, 2016 | Lawyers and Law Firm

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For many people across the country, a divorce can get ugly. Unfortunately, one of the main reasons behind war-like divorce proceedings is money. Ex-spouses are either fighting to keep as much of their money as possible, or they’re trying to get paid as much money as possible. An Alimony Lawyer in Folsom CA can help either when it comes to their money troubles.

“Spousal Support” And “Alimony.”

Some people get confused when discussing alimony and spousal support. Many assume that the two are two terms with two separate meanings. However, both alimony and spousal support are interchangeable and mean the exact same thing.

A Brief Understanding Of Alimony

Alimony is nothing more than support that’s given by one spouse to another. In nearly all cases, the spouse who has the highest income is the one who shall pay alimony. This support is typically given to the spouse who earns the least or who may have given up their schooling or career during the marriage. Support is given until the lesser earning spouse is able to gain more financial independence. Speak with an Alimony Lawyer in Folsom CA about the length of time this support is given.

Not Support For Wives

Many believe that women are the only ones who are given alimony. This idea developed due to men being the primary breadwinner of their families for many years. Obviously, as the breadwinner, a man would usually be required to pay alimony. However, However, alimony is a gender neutral term that applies to both men and women. In fact, with more women becoming the breadwinners of the family these days, you can expect more men to receive alimony in the future.

How Much For How Long

Judges take a lot into consideration when to determining how much alimony will be paid and for how long. For instance, a judge may consider a spouses age, health, and financial situation when determining an amount. As far as the duration, it’s possible for a lesser-earning spouse to receive alimony until they’re remarried.

Visit the Law Office of Hugh O. Allen to discuss your thoughts about alimony and your situation. Again, alimony and spousal support are used synonymously. Alimony is needed to support a lesser-earning spouse after divorce. This support isn’t just for women and can be paid for a number of years.

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