Get Rid Of Pesky Bed Bugs In Marlboro, NJ

by | Oct 24, 2016 | Pest Control

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There are a variety of reasons why a Marlboro area home could be infested with bed bugs. Many of these reasons include unkempt bedding in locations outside of the home, such as motels that do not clean their bedding as often as they should. When going on trips, it is always best to find a reputable motel to stay in to help prevent this possibility from occurring. Bed bugs will tend to hide in clothing and on skin when sleeping in a bed infested with them, allowing them to track back to a person’s home to infest it. Getting rid of them is a lot more difficult than creating an infestation. With the help of a reputable pest removal service, like Freehold Pest Control, this task can be made a lot easier.

When Bed Bugs in Marlboro NJ do infest a home, they tend to start in the location the homeowners sleep most and spread out. They will typically not remain restricted solely to bedding, and will spread to any carpeting around the bed or other furniture in the room. If the infestation is left unchecked, they could also spread to other rooms in the house. There are a variety of methods to remove bed bugs, all of which have drawbacks and benefits. One of the most commonly used involves insecticide sprays which can kill a large percentage of the bed bugs in fabrics and fibers, but can leave eggs behind. These methods are also dangerous for young children in the home, as well as any pets that may be in the home.

The safer method, which is slowly becoming more popular in recent years, involves heaters used in the infected areas. These heaters reach a very high temperature rating, and will affect both the bed bugs themselves and their eggs. This method gets rid of 95% or more of the infestation in most cases, depending on the amount of heating sources and the duration of the treatment. This method happens to be the safest, since no chemicals are used to do the exterminating, and produces no risk to family members, children, or pets in the home. The treatment itself can take anywhere between one and several hours, depending on the size of the infestation and the size of the home.

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