Needing A Water Analysis In Lessburg, FL

by | Nov 8, 2016 | Business

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Water that contains a lot of minerals can wreak havoc on a home. First and foremost, everyone needs to drink a lot of water each day. It is necessary to be healthy. That is why the water should be as clean as possible. Second, water that contains minerals, hard water, makes it difficult to clean. Have you ever noticed that clean clothes do not feel and smell clean? The main culprits are calcium and magnesium. They prevent soaps from doing their job. Mainly, soap cannot make suds so clothes are not getting clean.

Hard water has the same impact on the body. It is harder for shampoo and soap to clean the hair and skin. Further, hard water acts as an abrasive. Imagine, if you scrub dishes with soap pads every day. Eventually, the dishes will be destroyed. Hard water causes the same destruction in plumbing fixtures. Have you ever noticed a rust stain in the toilet bowl? Rust stains indicate the presence of another mineral, iron. There is no question that iron leaves deposits behind. Consequently, the deposits are in the pots and pains and appliances. The best way to find out about your water is to have a water analysis in Leesburg FL.  to make an appointment.

A representative comes to the home and tests the water. The water is tested for minerals, hardness, ph and nitrates. The Water Analysis in Leesburg FL may show minerals in the water. If so, the homeowner should invest in a water softener. Water is softened using a system that contains sodium and potassium ions. The system replaces calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions. Periodically, the system is filled with salt brine to add more sodium. Additionally, the same process can be used for iron.

Consumers have three choices in purchasing a system. A point-of-entry system starts working at the point where water enters the house. These systems include water conditioners, water softeners and problem-water filters. On the other hand, point-of-use systems can be placed wherever water is used. Whole-house systems are offered that do both jobs. Call for a consult today and start improving your water.

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