When a company needs to hire a Roll Off Rental Service in Rochester NY to drop off a dumpster for waste collection, there will be a need for precautions to be taken to keep employees safe. Failing to prepare those who will be in the area of the dumpster, in addition to having it positioned improperly, can lead to unnecessary injury to people or damage to property. Here are some steps a company can take to keep these scenarios from happening.
Position The Dumpster Appropriately
It is a good idea to have the dumpster placed on an area of the company’s property where it will be out of the way of employees who will not need to use it. This way they will not have direct contact with the unit, keeping them safe as a result. The dumpster should be placed on an area with a flat ground so it does not tip over or roll away. If there are wheels on the unit, propping large stones up against them can be helpful in keeping the container secure.
Use Signs To Alert People Of The Dumpster’s Presence
Place printed signs on the building indicating the area where the dumpster is located. This will be helpful for those who need to throw something inside, as well as those who would rather stay away from the unit because of safety risks. Temporary fencing can be put up around the dumpster to keep those in the area safe as well.
Teach Employees About Throwing Away Trash
Alert those using the dumpster that chemicals and other hazardous materials should not be placed inside the dumpster. No one should smoke near the dumpster as well. When employees place things inside of the container, they should not be piled up on one side as this can cause tipping to occur. The weight should be evenly distributed instead.
If a company needs to contact a roll off rental service in Rochester NY, they will want to find a company known for their prompt service and great pricing. Find out more about Feher Rubbish Removal Inc and call them for service today.