Unless you are an expert, it is better to contact your professional pest control in Palm Beach Gardens so they can identify the types of ants that are living around your property. Some ants are good for the natural process of the food chain around your home, but fire ants can provide a painful sting, which becomes especially worrying for younger children and individuals that suffer from allergies such as a bee sting.
Fire ants enjoy building mounds in soil. They thrive living in the sunny parts of your yard or lawn. The mounds can grow over 12 inches high where soil conditions are perfect. They prefer to grow their mounds around trees, rotting logs, and stumps.
Occasionally they will also move underneath buildings. They are reddish-brown and are a quarter-inch in length, but you may not be able to distinguish them from other less harmful ants around your property.
Your expert pest control Bowman Termite & Pest Management LLC will visit your property and identify the types of ants that are living in and around your yard.
Should you discover a fire ant mound within your property’s boundaries, you should contact your pest control in Palm Beach Gardens immediately so that you can protect your family and pets from harm.
Fire ants are territorial and will attack anything invading their nest area. Your pest control company will deliver an immediate one-time treatment and then provide year-round protection.
While you can eradicate fire ants from your property, they are likely to return unless all others in the area carry out the same treatment and regular protection procedures as you do.
Home quality bait that you can purchase at your local hardware store may not be sufficient enough to eradicate the fire ants from your property. The bait may be effective for some of the problem, but not all of it. The remaining fire ants will gather together and form a new colony and continue to become a problem area within your home if not properly eliminated. To know more about fire ant control in Maui visit pest control company. You can also connect them on Facebook.