In the United States, as many as one in four individuals suffer from some form of chronic pain. That is one-quarter of all Americans.
Chronic pain is categorized as pain that lasts for longer than twelve weeks. Depending on the case, pain may become progressively worse as well as be subject to short intermissions only to reoccur later. Different than acute pain, which is the pain felt during an injury and to a lesser degree throughout the healing process, chronic pain persists beyond the healing period, whereas acute pain does not. Chronic pain may be experienced after an injury has healed and there is no discernable reason to experience pain, or it may even occur without there having been an injury, in the case of arthritis or fibromyalgia.
A pain of any kind can be enormously distracting, making performing daily tasks more difficult, if not entirely impossible. However, when that pain does not go away, the general livelihood of the sufferer is diminished. People suffering from chronic pain may also start to experience depression as they find themselves unable to do many of the activities that they used to. In these cases, relieving the physical pain also relieves emotional and mental pain.
Though chronic pain may occur for any number of reasons, the most common condition associated with chronic pain is back, neck, and joint injuries. Such injuries are typically sustained during physical activities such as sports and other forms of athleticism, as well as injuries sustained during an accident.
Many sufferers find that their pain cannot be reliably managed by common or traditional means, such as hot and cold packs, muscle wraps, massage, or pain medication. This is because most common treatments merely address the symptoms at the moment they are occurring while failing to address the root cause of the pain. However, relief is possible with the help of an experienced physical therapist.
Physical therapy should not simply follow one school of thought or method of healing, as all cases of chronic pain are unique, requiring different methods to reach the health goals of each individual.
Individuals seeking Sports Physical Therapy in West Fargo ND are encouraged to contact Rehab Authority.
Rehab Authority has provided their expertise in the world of Sports Physical Therapy in West Fargo ND for nearly twenty years, offering a comprehensive approach and years of success stories. For more information, visit the website at
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