Services Available from Animal Clinics in Cedar Rapids, IA

by | Feb 25, 2013 | Health

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There are a broad range of pet services offered these days by animal clinics. In years past animal clinics basically just gave examinations, vaccinations and diagnosed and treated common health problems of pets. Today, many of the animal clinics have broadened their selection of services offered to include not only a whole gamut of pet services but also a complete shopping center, as well.

Small and Large Pets

A lot of the animal clinics in Cedar Rapids offer all sorts of pet services and not just for dogs and cats either. Many of the animal clinics also offer services for rabbits, ferrets, and reptiles. A few even offer services for much larger animals like horses and cows. Pet owners are not longer just dog and pet owners so naturally more and more of the animal clinics are starting to offer more and more services for these other types animals.

Additional Services for Small Pets

Aside from the normal services like examinations and vaccinations, some animal clinics in Cedar Rapids, IA also offer additional services like pet grooming. In fact, these are two service areas of the animal clinic business that are growing the fastest. Pet owners today do not just want the health of their pet taken care of, but they also want their pets to look and feel great, as well. This means haircuts, trimmings, bathing, and styling.

Another fast growing area of animal clinics is the service of pet training. Some pet owners either do not have the time or the knowhow to properly train a pet. Some animal clinics offer everything from full training including boarding to introductory training classes that involve both the pet and the pet owner. These are fully trained professionals and not just pet lovers.

Besides all of the new services offered, some animal clinics take things a step further. What some animal clinics offer now is a full shopping experience. Not only can customers bring their pet in for checkups and more, but they can also shop for everything from pet food to medicine to other pet care products, all right there at the animal clinic. It should be noted that with convenience does come a price. Typically it is not cheaper to purchase at the animal clinic than it is at a normal pet store.

Overall there are a lot of new offerings from local animal clinics that have never been offered before. It’s not just pet health related services either. A lot of the animal clinics offer quite a few other services and products to help all pets sustain a healthy and happy life. In actuality, many of the animal clinics are becoming a full service one stop place for all the needs of pets both big and small.

Abbie’s Animal Clinic is a full-service animal hospital as well as a veterinary clinic. The animal clinic in Cedar Rapids, IA is run by Dr. Clark who has more than 20 years of experience in veterinary medicine. One of the specialties offered by the clinic is pain management and health treatments for small pets.

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