The Importance of Hiring an Attorney That Handles Cases Involving Domestic Violence in Tyler, TX

by | Jul 24, 2017 | Lawyer

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Domestic violence is a crime that is growing more prevalent and more worrisome. Society as a whole frowns upon this sort of crime as it is often committed against individuals that are incapable of properly defending themselves. It also has an extremely harmful side effect to families and children.

The Circumstances Surrounding Domestic Violence

In some cases, domestic violence may be very clear-cut. In other instances, an alleged incident may be drummed up by an unhappy partner without any supporting evidence. Whatever the case may be, whether there is merit to the charges of domestic violence or whether a person is being accused of something they did not do, being represented by an attorney that handles cases regarding domestic violence in Tyler, TX is imperative.

The Pre-Trial Legwork

There are many things leading up to a person having to go to court and facing the accusation that they’ve committed domestic violence. For example, a great deal of harm can be done to a person if they decide to speak with investigating officers concerning an alleged domestic violence incident.

In most cases, legal experts will caution against speaking with police without an attorney during an investigation. While any admission or suggestion of guilt can’t be used at trial, unless an arrest has been made first, those words can be the starting point of an investigation that leads to an arrest.

Mounting a Proper Defense

In addition, hiring an attorney as quickly as possible in a case involving domestic violence in Tyler, TX can help the lawyer mount a proper defense. By moving quickly and hiring an attorney, they can help preserve evidence and can also interview potential witnesses while the details of the incident are fresh in their minds. This can help with either getting a clear picture of what happened, whether it was self-defense or whether the charges are simply a fabrication of another party.

Being arrested for domestic violence can be frightening and frustrating, especially if the situation is either completely false or not as clear as things may seem. That’s why a person should act quickly to enlist the help of a domestic violence attorney to represent them. If you find yourself in this situation, seeking legal advice from the Law Office of Holmes, Moore, Waldron & Parrish P.L.L.C. as quickly as possible is vital.

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