Elder Care Attorneys in Nassau County NY Help Families After Nursing Homes Evict Residents

by | Dec 13, 2017 | miscellaneous

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Elder Care Attorneys Nassau County NY has available may be able to help when a nursing home patient is evicted. The facilities are increasingly choosing to evict dementia patients who become troublesome residents, such as displaying combative and aggressive behavior. The typical scenario is to send the resident to a hospital for evaluation and then not allow this person to return.

Deciding How to Proceed

Now the family is faced with clearing out this relative’s room at the facility and trying to find a new, suitable place. It can be very difficult to do this quickly. In addition, sometimes it turns out that certain possessions of the nursing home patient now are missing. The relatives may contact Elder Care Attorneys Nassau County NY is known for. Lawyers may be able to provide some insight into how to proceed and can determine whether this is a good case for a lawsuit.

Investigation of the Facility

When this type of circumstance arises, Elder Care Attorneys in Nassau County NY has available will want to investigate the nursing home for other questionable activity. If patients are so agitated that they have to be released in this underhanded manner, this indicates there are not enough qualified staff members to provide compassionate supervision.

There may be restrictive visiting hours as well; research has shown that when guests can visit in the evening, patients are calmer. Many dementia patients become restless or even upset as evening approaches, a mental state commonly called sundowning.

A resident who routinely becomes difficult to control in the evening may eventually be sent to an area hospital for a psychiatric evaluation or another reason that is not truly necessary. This is the moment when the nursing home may be able to evict the person because he or she has technically been discharged.

When a loved one has dementia and must be cared for in a nursing home, this is emotionally stressful for the family members who love this person. The situation becomes overwhelming when the patient is suddenly prohibited from returning after a hospital stay. Legal professionals with The Law Offices of Peter Morra in Nassau County NY are ready to assist.

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