3 Tips for Keeping Your Skin Looking Great During Summer Vacation

by | Apr 9, 2018 | Beauty Salon and Products

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While you might be on the perfect schedule with your skincare and skin care products in Boulder, CO, when it comes to a week on vacation, those well-laid schedules seem to fly out the window. However, you still want your skin to be glowing and refreshed during your vacation. Relax, there is hope. Read on below for some tips for keeping your skin looking great during a summer trip.

Prepare Ahead of Time

You need to determine the type of climate you are going into beforehand and start preparing your skin for that change a few days before you leave. Try exfoliating gently and then making sure to apply a hydrating mask. Even if you have oily skin, the change in climate can have its effects. Being prepared is your best line of defense.

Pack Your Skin Care Products

Packing your normal skin care products in Boulder, CO, is extremely important. While you may have to adjust your skin care schedule, you want to have your skin care products within easy reach when you are on a trip. Leave the harsh skin care products at home, however, and pack your gentlest items.

Drink Plenty of Water

As with anything else, drinking plenty of water while you’re on your vacation is essential. Some climates can draw the moisture right out of your skin so hydrate by drinking plenty of water on your trip.

For more information on skin care and skin care products in Boulder, CO, contact the professionals at Vasu Skin Solutions for help!

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