People who have a boat or personal watercraft and spend time out on the water should have a Watercraft Insurance Policy in Houston TX even though the state doesn’t require the coverage. Liability coverage protects these men and women if they ever are responsible for causing an accident. Comprehensive and collision coverage also are available to pay for damage to the craft under various circumstances.
Homeowners Insurance Coverage for Watercraft
Homeowners insurance typically covers damage to the vessel or personal craft as long as it’s on the customer’s own residential property. Parking it somewhere else on land leaves it vulnerable to not being covered in the event of vandalism, fire, or storm damage. Keeping it docked at a marina is another consideration, as the home policy probably will not cover damage that occurs there.
Unexpected Expenses
A Watercraft Insurance Policy in Houston TX can cover expenses that boat owners never realized they would be responsible for. If the boater causes a collision, the owner is liable for having the wreckage brought back to shore if either craft is non functional. If a boat sinks, the person who caused the collision probably will be required to have it removed from the waterway. Replacing any possessions the other boaters had in their craft that sank will be the at-fault person’s financial responsibility.
Relevant Statistics
Many men and women find it hard to imagine they could ever cause a boating accident or even be involved in one. However, statistics show the possibility, even if the odds are very low. In Texas, around 600,000 boats have current registration in any given year. The frequently of boating accidents varies widely, but a typical year sees at least 200 of these incidents in the state.
Intoxication while operating a marine vessel is a significant risk factor for causing a collision. Most fatal boating accidents happen on weekends.
Some years have particularly serious accident rates. In 2008, for instance, there were 278 of these incidents in the state, with 173 people injured and 62 fatalities. It becomes apparent why having watercraft insurance through an agency such as Insurance Offices Texas is imperative. Visit the website to get started.