Signs it’s Time for Electrical Panel Replacements in Scranton, PA

by | Sep 26, 2018 | Electricians

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It’s not uncommon for older homes to be unable to support modern electrical devices. When this is the case, homeowners often experience a good deal of frustration and may even be unknowingly placing their families in danger.

The solution is simple, though. Look into electrical Panel Replacements in Scranton PA.

Frequent Tripping of Circuit Breakers

When service panels begin to become worn down, they experience more frequent power surges. This can lead to frequently tripped circuit breakers, which, in turn, can lead to frequent frustrations. The best way to permanently solve the problem is to have the old or under-capacity electrical panel replaced with a newer one that can meet the family’s current electrical needs.

Breakers Don’t Reset

Resetting a tripped circuit breaker should always solve the problem. If resetting it does not restore power, though, there’s a good chance that the electrical panel itself is experiencing trouble. Call an electrician immediately before the problem begins to escalate.

Electrical Fires

It should go without saying that electrical fires in panels constitute a serious problem. However, they’re not always as noticeable as some homeowners may think. Look for charring or burn marks around the circuit breakers and distinct odors and call an emergency electrician if any of these symptoms of minor electrical fires appear to be present.

Flickering Lights

If a household’s energy needs exceed the power that is available, cross interference may occur. This issue most frequently manifests itself through lights that become dim when they are operated at the same time as high-voltage appliances. This problem can be solved easily through Panel Replacements in Scranton PA.

Old Fuse Boxes

Homeowners whose properties have not been upgraded to feature modern electrical panels rather than fuse boxes should look into an electrician that can help as soon as possible. Modern electrical panels are much safer than fuse boxes and are much less likely to become overloaded and start fires.

Get Started Today

It’s never a good idea to put off electrical panel replacements or, for that matter, any kind of electrical upgrades. Homeowners who fail to take action immediately often find themselves with much more expensive repairs on their hands. Browse the Site today to get started making necessary upgrades to the property that will ensure that both the home itself and the family living within it remain safe.

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