Why to Use a Professional Cleaner for a Persian Rug in Manhattan

by | Aug 7, 2019 | Restoration

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Some antique Persian rugs are worth tens of thousands of dollars. The greatest value of a Persian rug as a home accessory, however, is usually as an heirloom piece that generations of a family can enjoy. Proper care and cleaning are the only ways to ensure an heirloom rug will have the beauty necessary to remain on display for hundreds of years. There are multiple reasons why rug owners should visit a professional cleaning service at least once a year.

Clean Rug Properly

It is not always safe to use commercial cleaning products on an antique rug. The wrong product could dull colors, cause colors to run, or even burn the material. Improper washing techniques could tear or loosen carpet fibers. Poor rinsing leaves cleaning products behind that makes carpet fibers sticky. Sticky fibers will attract dirt, develop stains, and become matted.

Repair any Damage

Damage to a Persian rug in Manhattan often starts as an insignificant flaw, but that flaw grows over time until it detracts from the attractiveness of the piece. Professional cleaners can assess the condition of the rug and make repairs to prevent additional damage.

Address Stubborn Stains

Some stains seem permanently imbedded in the rug and withstand any attempt to wash them away. Professional products, equipment, and techniques can conquer nearly any stain. The result is a rug that the owner will proudly want on display again.

Preserve a Treasure

One of the greatest joys of owning a Persian Rug in Manhattan is knowing that it will someday brighten a child’s home, or the home of a grandchild, as well as generations beyond. Professional cleaning and the careful attention of experts ensures this remains possible. Restoration services can help with a variety of problems that arise over time. The cleaning keeps the rug looking great and free from musty odors or other unwanted scents.

Some homes have their heirloom rugs on display every day, and others only use the valuable rugs on special occasions. Regardless of how much use the rug receives, regular professional cleaning is important to extend the rug’s life. Protect your keepsakes and visit website domain for more information.

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