Bees are incredible insects in that they do the majority of pollinating around the world. The United States alone is home to over 4,000 different species of bees. While all bees perform a highly beneficial service, some bees are destructive pests that get into places that they shouldn’t, such as the carpenter bee. Carpenter bees can be problematic since they bore holes in wood structures to build their nests. They can be quite difficult to get under control, especially if they have drilled holes into a residence, deck, or shed. Carpenter Bee Removal in PA should be done by a professional, such as The-Beeman, who has been specializing in bee and wasp removal since 1981.
About Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are wood-boring insects that build their nests inside of the tunnels they create. These bees don’t eat the wood they live inside of, they get their food from pollen and nectar in flowering plants. Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees, however, they have a shiny black abdomen whereas a bumblebee has a fuzzy body.
Detecting a Carpenter Bee Problem
Carpenter Bee Removal in PA can be extremely difficult since the bees create numerous tunnels in the wood structures they choose for their nests. Each hole or tunnel needs to be treated to fully eradicate an infestation of carpenter bees. Sometimes the only sign that carpenter bees are around is the presence of woodpeckers who feast on the bee larvae and locate them by pecking in the wood to reach them. If woodpeckers are not usually present in an area, it may mean that carpenter bees are inside of the wood that has piqued a woodpecker’s interest.
Structural Damage
Carpenter bees can do severe structural damage to a wooden component if left untreated. Support beams, wooden steps, deck flooring, and other crucial elements can all be weakened by the tunnels that the bees carve out. These hollow areas can cause a structure to collapse or warp if proper steps are not taken to remove the bees and replace the damaged wood.
Once carpenter bees have been detected and removed, it’s important to follow up with preventative measures to avoid a repeat of the problem. Carpenter bees are attracted to the nesting areas of other bees, so even if the problem bees have been removed, a new group may decide to move in. For more information regarding carpenter bees, please contact here! Contact The-Beeman for more information.