How Undergoing a Breast Lift in Chicago Can Boost Your Confidence

by | Oct 30, 2019 | Beauty Salon and Products

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As women age, they often realize that their once firm and youthful breasts have given in to the laws of gravity resulting in saggy breasts and/or droopy skin in that region. Learn how undergoing a relatively simple breast lift by a Chicago Loop plastic surgeon might just give you back that confident body image that you once took for granted in younger years.

Feel Beautiful Wearing Fitted Tops and Lingerie Again

Women who struggle with droopy breasts often tend to avoid wearing sexy tops and other clothing that bares their chest area too much. Some ladies find that they can go back to wearing more revealing swimsuits, lingerie and other types of feminine apparel following a cosmetic breast lift in the Chicago Loop area. Women who feel beautiful wearing their chosen clothing styles tend to have higher self-esteem levels and tend to project a more confident aura in general.

Get a Natural Breast Appearance That Reverses Time

While no cosmetic surgery or treatment can truly become a fountain of youth, women who undergo breast lifts often feel like the time clock on aging has mysteriously stopped. Patients often marvel at how natural their post-surgical breasts look, and others typically won’t know that plastic surgery was performed unless the woman conveys this information. This procedure tacks up the breasts so they remain higher against the chest wall for a younger looking result.

Difference Between a Breast Lift and Augmentation

Some women lose breast tissue volume following childbirth and/or breastfeeding. A breast lift works well if a woman doesn’t want to add breast volume. For that, a breast augmentation can be performed along with a traditional breast lift if desired.

Learn more about breast lifts and other procedures by contacting Northwestern Specialists in Plastic Surgery online anytime.

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