Choosing Cremation Along With a Memorial Service In Bel Air

by | Oct 31, 2019 | Funeral Service

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When a loved one passes on, the family may wish to hold a memorial service In Bel Air. Evans Funeral Chapel and Cremation Services can help with the arrangements to pay tribute to the life that was lived by this special family member. By selecting cremation, a family can have a memorial service at a time of their choosing, whether that’s right away, weeks later, or even a month down the line. Cremation allows for flexibility, so a memorial can take place when it works best for everyone.

Deciding on Cremation

The popularity of cremation is on the rise since it allows for so many options that are not available with a traditional casket burial. If a loved one passes away far from home, a cremation urn can easily be transported from one location to another, unlike when a casket is involved. For families who wish to keep their loved one with them at all times, cremated ashes can be displayed in an urn on a shelf, or turned into jewelry or an art piece. Cremated ashes can also be scattered at a place with special meaning for the deceased, or placed in a mausoleum.

The Cremation Process

Cremation reduces a body to ashes after being subjected to an extremely high temperature, usually between 1400 – 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. During cremation, the body is placed in a cremation chamber where it is exposed to an open flame until only ashes and bone fragments remain. Once the residual material has cooled, it is ground into a fine powder, placed in an urn, and returned to the family.

The Memorial Service

When cremation is chosen, a family can decide whether to have a service before or after the body has been processed. Some families may wish to have a viewing or funeral visitation beforehand, or they may elect to have the body cremated before a service takes place. A memorial service In Bel Air can be designed to work with the wishes of a family to ensure that their loved one is remembered in the best way possible.

Planning a funeral or memorial service can be stressful, but caring professionals can help to create a meaningful ceremony that will honor the life of a beloved individual. For more information, please visit the website.

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