When it’s impossible to connect to a sewer, a house will have a septic system to deal with liquid waste. Although they accomplish the same task as a sewer (giving your waste a place to go), they work differently than sewers and provide benefits that sewers cannot. If you’re considering a septic system installation in Bellingham WA, then keep reading for some of the benefits of doing so.
Septic tanks are buried near your home, which means minimal piping is required to connect your house to the system. With a sewer connection, you may have to run expensive pipes through your yard to the sewer connection. Additionally, if a problem develops with your septic pipes, diagnosing and fixing the issue will be much easier and cost-effective thanks to the limited amount of piping in place.
Environmentally Friendly
Septic systems don’t just hold waste – they also treat it. When the process is over, the system will then release this treated water onto your property, which will benefit the ecosystem on your land. Also, if your septic system ever has a problem, the mess will be contained on your land. However, when a sewer has problems, the environment at large is at risk.
Isolated From Sewer Problems
Speaking of sewer problems, when they happen, there’s a danger that your home and property could become damaged. For example, flooding is a common occurrence that affects sewers. The effect of inundations is a sewer backup, which results in contaminated wastewater flowing back into your home and property.
With a septic system installation in Bellingham, WA, that is completed by professionals, you’ll enjoy effective and environmentally sound wastewater treatment for decades.