When choosing a Medispa in Colorado Springs, CO, there are several important things to consider.
Does the Medispa in Colorado Springs, CO, Have the Newest Medical Grade Equipment?
This is extremely important. Choosing a medical spa with top-of-the-line, medical-grade equipment is the difference between a smooth professional look that helps you look and feel your best to one that falls short of your expectations. A good Medispa will have the latest FDA-approved technology.
Do They Offer a Free Private Consultation?
Let’s face it; when it comes to making a physical change to your body, you want to feel secure in the procedures you’re having. You want to be sure you will have all of your questions answered. How often will you need the procedures, how to prepare for them and what to expect during and after the procedures are done. A good medispa in Colorado Springs, CO, will have caring professionals who are knowledgeable about what procedures would best be suited to give you the results you desire.
Do They Offer Customized Services?
No two people are alike. We all have skin and want to look good, but that’s about it. We are different in how our skin handles stress, aging and exposure to the sun and snow. Services you might want to consider in a medispa in Colorado Springs, CO, include:
• Chemical Peels – to reduce hyper-pigmentation and soften the skin
• Dermaplaning – manual exfoliation
• Collagen Induction Therapy — Micro-Needling for fine lines and acne scars
• Intraceuticals Oxygen Facial – that gives immediate radiant-looking skin
• Laser Hair Removal – using the Quanta Light Series 755nm Alexandrite and 1064 Nd:YAG lasers
• Sublative Radio Frequency Skin Rejuvenation Treatments and Photofacials
• Specialized Services Specifically for Men, Women and Teens