Traditional fireplaces have their appeal for sure. But more and more people are realizing what a hassle it is to own one. The need for firewood, the potential for gas leaks, the soot, and the cleanup; it is making traditional fireplaces not worth the hassle.
Which is why going for an electric fireplace insert can be the way to go. A contemporary electric fireplace insert can provide a classic aesthetic while providing modern reliability and efficiency.
More Efficient
The biggest change between a traditional and a contemporary electric fireplace insert is the efficiency. The former requires a lot of wood to keep the fire going, which can have serious costs over time.
But the fireplace insert can be plugged in and will use a lot less electricity than you may have realized. All of which means saving money, cutting down on energy use, and putting far fewer emissions back into the environment.
More Convenient
On top of all of that, having a fireplace insert is a lot more convenient than having a traditional fireplace. There are no potential threats of a gas leak, there is no need to have a cleaning service come out to do a chimney sweep, and there are no hassles that would otherwise have to be dealt with.
With an electric fireplace insert, homeowners everywhere can enjoy energy efficiency, higher safety standards, and a lot more convenience than they otherwise would with a traditional fireplace in their home.