Your pets’ health is very important. If you are adopting one, you must understand what they need while traveling with you and also for the upkeep of their overall health. A professional veterinary health form is an important document that details out the pet’s specifications and whether it has received the necessary shots or not. Since animal diseases are rampant, it becomes even more crucial that you ensure that you keep the health form with you at all times.
How Can Your Pet Apply for a Veterinary Health Form?
Before you can go and apply for a health form on behalf of your pet, there are a few things you need to get done before you can obtain the certificate.
You must get your dog microchipped by an authorized vet.
Your pet must be vaccinated against any dangerous diseases such as rabies; however, you must ensure that your pet is at least 12 to 14 weeks old before you get them vaccinated.
If you are planning to travel with your pet after its vaccination, then it is recommended that you wait for 21 days, hence you must plan your travel dates accordingly.
How Can You Get a Veterinary Health Form?
You can obtain a veterinary health certificate by an official veterinarian. You can get an appointment from your vet and take your pet along with you. Keep in mind that you need to keep their vaccination records with you such as the rabies vaccination. When you book an appointment, the hospital will likely send you a form to fill out, which you will have to complete before the visit.
A veterinary health form is mandatory if you have a pet, regardless if you travel overseas, there are some local jurisdictions that want you to carry a health certificate of your pet even if you are traveling intercity.