Having a job is the lifeline of everything you do. When you lose that job, you want to be sure that you can receive unemployment benefits. When you are denied unemployment benefits because your employer claims you were fired for “employee misconduct”, you can legally fight this. The employment lawyers in Elk Grove Village, IL can help.
Unemployment Defense in Elk Grove Village: What To Know About Employee Misconduct
Employee misconduct means that you carried out some nefarious action that caused harm to yourself or others. It means that you KNEW you were doing something that your employer had already warned you not to do, and you did it anyway. The problem with being labeled for this or fired for this reason is that it not only bars you from receiving unemployment benefits, it also goes on your employment record and your chances of getting another job are difficult.
If you know for a fact that you did not do what your employer said you did, you should be fighting it legally. Unemployment defense in Elk Grove Village: What to know about Employee Misconduct is everything you need to know. In many cases, employers get out of having to pay unemployment taxes to the state government by claiming that you were fired for “misconduct.” They should be held accountable.
Elk Grove Village Unemployment Defense Lawyer
Hiring an Elk Grove Village unemployment defense lawyer is a lot easier than you think. There are experts in this field to assist you with your defense and your claim to your unemployment benefits. When you are ready to hire, contact North Surburban Legal Services, LLC, via their website.