Find Gluten-Free Recipes in the Best Cookbooks From Cold Spring Harbor, NY

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Food Books

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When someone is required to make a major dietary change, deciding what to have for lunch and dinner in the future may seem daunting. Consider a person who has been diagnosed with celiac disease and can no longer eat any foods containing gluten. Starting with a couple of the best recipe books from Cold Spring Harbor, NY is an effective first step.

Grains to Avoid

This is one of the more difficult dietary requirements because so many foods contain the substance. A person with a celiac disease no longer can eat anything with wheat. That eliminates most types of bread, crackers, cookies, cake, pie, and pastries. It means avoiding most kinds of pasta as well as croutons and breaded and battered foods. Barley and rye also contain gluten.

Processed Foods

Food manufacturers include gluten in a large number of processed items. People with this disease must be vigilant about reading labels on boxes and cans. That includes frozen and boxed dinners, cereal, processed meat, soup, gravy, salad dressing, and many other items.

Finding New Recipes and Products

With the best recipe books from Cold Spring Harbor, NY focusing on gluten-free dishes, the person who must now eat this way can quickly learn many delicious options. This individual will find out about pasta made from rice and corn, and all the grains that are safe for someone with celiac disease. Some are probably unfamiliar, although they can be found at many grocery stores and ordered online.

Visit to find gluten-free recipes from Books About Food.

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