A Guide To Automated Conveying Systems: Their Benefits and Limitations

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Manufacturer

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Conveying systems are an essential component of many production processes today. They are used to transfer materials from one place to another within the production facility, allowing for a more efficient and organized workflow. Automated conveying systems are now becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a number of benefits to manufacturing facilities, from cost-efficiency to greater control and precision. This guide will provide an overview of automated conveyor systems, their advantages and disadvantages, and what to consider when selecting one for your production process.

Benefits of Automated Conveying Systems

Automated systems have several advantages over conventional conveyors. These can include reduced cost of ownership, increased production rates, and decreased labor requirements. The addition of sensors, automation, and robotics can also greatly increase reliability and reduce the risk of equipment failure. Increased reliability can be particularly beneficial in high-production environments, where equipment failure can lead to significant downtime. Conveyors are manually operated by humans, and as such, they are subject to delay, variability, and risk of failure. Humans cannot perfectly predict what will happen at any given moment, so it is impossible for humans to create systems with zero variability and 100% reliability. Even if a conveyor has been built to extremely high standards, there will be a certain amount of variability involved in its performance.

Limitations of Automated Conveyor Systems

Automated systems are increasingly popular, but they also have a number of limitations. These can include increased capital investment, longer maintenance requirements, and a potential for increased crewing costs. In addition, existing equipment may need to be retrofitted with sensors and software. Finally, some production processes may not be suitable for automation. Although automated systems can effectively increase production rates, they may not be right for individual products where the cycle time is too long to be profitable. Many automated systems also require the installation of new technology at the production facility, which can be costly.

If you’re looking for automated sorting or packaging conveyor systems, Conveyor & Automation Technologies can provide the customized solutions you need.

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