When you have an injury or illness that prevents you from working a full-time job, you may need to apply for benefits to help sustain you, either temporarily or permanently. However, you might have no idea how to file a case for SSI or SSDI. You may also need to know how long it will take to win your case.
Rather than represent yourself in this situation, you can hire someone to handle your case for you. You may get the legal aid and representation you need in court when you retain counsel like an experienced disability lawyer in Oakland.
Filing the Initial Petition
To get your case underway, you have to file a case and send it to the proper court clerk in your city or state. You may not know what level of court in which to file this case. You may also have no idea how to ensure your case gets on the court’s docket.
Your attorney will have this information, however, and file the initial case for you. Your legal team can also ensure you get a scheduled court date so you can appear before the judge and explain in detail what kind of illness or injury from which you suffer.
Your disability lawyer in Oakland can also file appeals until you win your case and receive the benefits you need on which to live. Learn more by contacting Ortega Disability Group today.