A Birth Injury Lawyer in Houston Helps You Find Out the Cause of Your Child’s Problem

by | Oct 17, 2013 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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The moment of birth is an exciting time for everyone involved, but it is also the time that something can go seriously wrong. Medical staff may be not paying attention to what is going on, not communicating properly, or making a bad decision on how to deliver the child. This results in a birth injury that causes your child to be permanently disabled, and can even result in death. No one wants to see a child brought into the world only to suffer serious harm, yet it happens due to the neglect of those in charge of the situation. This is the point to talk to a birth injury lawyer in Houston about what can be done to right the wrong.

It’s practically a given that your child is going to need financial support throughout its life. In fact, it’s most likely going to require more money than you can ever afford throughout your working years. Neither you or your child asked to be put in this situation, which means that a civil lawsuit that sues for damages is necessary. The goal is to gain compensation that is paid out over time and provides a steady income to help provide support for daily expenses.

In order to determine what went wrong, a birth injury lawyer Houston begins by obtaining all of the medical notes from the day of the birth. All of the documentation is gathered, then sent on to be reviewed by medical experts who are familiar with birth injuries. The goal is one of finding the point in time where something went wrong that caused the child to become disabled. Once it is determined that there is a mechanical cause of the defect, the experts then focus on who did what, or didn’t do. Pinpointing who is responsible for the problem is just the start of building a lawsuit against those who were involved.

Time is of the essence when it comes to suing the parties responsible for the damage to your child. Don’t hesitate to act once it has become clear that your child has a birth injury; the sooner you act, the clearer the evidence is as to who harmed your child.

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