Even the Best Septic Systems Eventually Need Septic Tank Cleaning NJ

by | Oct 18, 2013 | Septic Tanks

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Septic systems are a key component of the plumbing in many homes because a large portion of our society lives in rural areas where there is no local municipal sewage treatment. The septic tank gives the homeowner a place to store that waste until the tank gets full and is ready for Septic Tank Cleaning NJ. The septic system is actually a fairly simple design which consists of a large tank used for the collection of waste sewage and a series of field lines or drain lines that spread any excess liquid out into the yard.

The real beauty of the system is the bacterial action that occurs inside the tank. As the sewage accumulates the bacteria inside the septic system eats away at the solids allowing the tank to go for a longer time between cleaning. Without this activity the tank would quickly fill up and be useless. Of course, even with this bacterial action occurring the septic tank will eventually fill up and need a Septic Tank Cleaning NJ so it functions properly once again.

In most cases the Septic Tank Cleaning NJ process involves a huge vacuum truck that pumps the solid waste from your septic system. How access is gained to these tanks will depend on several things. For example, old septic tanks usually have a solid lid and require the whole tank top be uncovered so the lid can be lifted off. Later model has an access hole in the lid to allow quick access for cleaning. However, when the access hole is used there is some chance that the tank is not completely emptied.

Every company that performs Septic Tank Cleaning NJ differs in their policies on how the job should be done. For example, some companies believe the tank should be washed with water during the pumping procedure while others think it is fine to just clean as much as you can get to and leave the rest to start the enzyme process again. Either method works fine in most cases, but some folks feel cheated if their tank isn’t completely emptied so it might be a good idea to ask which method your septic service will use.

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