What Is The Best Caravan For Me?

by | Oct 24, 2013 | Automotive

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Older caravans, are boxy, aerodynamically challenged and so result in higher fuel consumption and are easily destabilised. The modern caravans which are for sale today are not generally plagued by such issues as long as you follow the correct procedures for maintenance and travelling. You must also ensure your car and caravan are compatible. Many caravans come equipped with a folding trailer tent, which are very quick to construct, often the cooker and cupboards can be slotted into position. A further consideration is that as fuel continues to become more expensive, you may wish to purchase a complete folding caravan.

Are you buying New?

If you have set your heart on a new model or the second options are just not up to your specifications ask yourself a few questions before you purchase, such as:

  • Do I really need every single feature?
  • Do I really need that amazing cooker; can’t I get by with two hobs and a gas canister?
  • Do I really need a shower and running hot water? After all, I will be using facilities at
    well-equipped camping and caravan sites.

Consider all the trade-offs, it is pointless to pay for a top of the range new caravan if the facilities are never going to be used or the maintenance costs are prohibitive.

What size caravan is for me?

This is completely subjective a caravan I think is terrible, you may think is perfect for that road trip from Maidstone to the Lake District. In other words there are no definite rules! However you will need to consider your own personal habits and circumstances.

For example, there is no point in purchasing that small caravan on for sale Maidstone bargain day from your local dealership if you have loads of equipment that you take on holiday with you. In terms of size you are aiming for the smallest and lightest caravan that can meet your requirements. A good strategy is to purchase a smaller caravan to which you can add an awning, this will save you money and you will have a more manoeuvrable caravan. Finally, be aware that in the UK you cannot tow a caravan longer than 7 metres or wider than 2.3 metres, with a maximum weight of 3.5 tonnes.

Visit us for impartial advice on how to secure the best caravan for you and your family.

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