What are the Grounds for a Divorce in Orem?

by | Nov 1, 2013 | Lawyer, Lawyers and Attorneys

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Going through a divorce is never easy, no matter the circumstances. It is important to understand you must have a reason for your divorce. You cannot simply decide you no longer like your spouse. In the state of Utah, you are required to enter your grounds in your divorce filing. The reason you choose for your grounds for divorce will never be made public, but will be shared with your estranged spouse and the judge. It is important for you to choose accurately, because you may be required to prove your grounds in court.

The Most Common Grounds for Divorce

Living separately — This is a common reason for divorce for those who have been separated. To choose this reason for your divorce, you and your spouse are required to have lived apart from each other for at least three years.

Incurable insanity — If your spouse has been diagnosed with insanity and you have medical proof, you can use this reason for grounds for divorce.

Irreconcilable differences — This is one of the most common reasons people choose as their grounds for Divorce Orem. It is a more of an umbrella reason and simply means the two of you can no longer get along in marriage.

Cruelty — If your spouse has caused you physical injury or extreme mental stress, you can use cruelty or cruel treatment.

Felony conviction — For a Divorce Orem, you can choose this grounds if the felony conviction happened during your marriage.

Habitual drunkenness — If your spouse has an alcohol addiction and is often under the influence of alcohol or drugs, this would be your best choice for grounds

Willfull neglect — If your spouse has the means, yet refuses to provide you with the necessities of life, you should choose willful neglect.

Adultery — When a spouse cheats in the marriage, the other spouse has the legal right to file for divorce under the grounds of adultery.

If you are facing a divorce and need legal assistance, Visit the website. Morley & Associates will be glad to help you find your grounds divorce and assist you through your divorce so your rights are protected. Give them a call today and get the legal representation you need.


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