How To Find The Best Barbecue In Fort Worth

by | Nov 16, 2013 | Travel and Vacations

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It’s easy to judge a good restaurant by its cover, sometimes. For instance in the state of California they have a rating system on their southern county restaurants that have them display their record on the front door. While it may not have the best food, you can verify its cleanliness and food safety precautions. If your interest is in a specific type of food, such as a good barbecue there are also tips of the trade that you should look for in order to ensure a good meal. If you are looking for barbecue in Fort Worth pay attention to a few basics of the trade.

While the first ingredient that comes to mind about the importance of the establishment would be the meat, the second most important aspect is how they prepare the food. The best Barbecue in Forth Worth will be found being slowly cooked over a stack of wood. The true great taste of a barbecue is in how it’s prepared over a prepared piece of wood.

When you find that wood is the second most important piece of equipment then you can bypass the new restaurants that are recently built up and use ovens to prepare their food. Mostly only the older buildings with rules for using wood burning ovens have been grandfathered in with current restrictions that are used in both building codes and food safety preparing codes.

Now what may seem quite the opposite of what a barbecue enthusiast should look for in a good restaurant is actually key to finding a quality barbeque place. The lack of choices when it comes to alcoholic beverages and other items besides barbecue on the menu is actually a good sign. You want the proprietor or executive chef of a restaurant to be solely concerned on how to find, prepare and serve the best meat in town. When an establishment is more concerned with diversifying the menu that is because they may not have confidence in their recipe.

There are exceptions to all the rules but if you only have one shot to try original barbecue in Fort Worth look out for these signs. There are plenty of joints that serve a great meal under these conditions.

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