A Short History of Glass

by | Nov 27, 2013 | Security Systems and Services

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The first examples of glass making dates back to Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE and the first ‘true’ glass was created in Syria, according to evidence found by archeologists. Initially, beads were the earliest known forms of glass but it is alleged that they may have been discovered as a by-product of something larger. Ancient China and south Asia are also credited with being two of the earliest places to discover the ability to make glass, around 1730 BCE.

During the late Bronze Age glass making seems to have come to a halt owing to certain disasters that prevented the civilizations from continuing and are said to have led to the collapse of the Bronze Age entirely.

The Romans used glass to create vases, urns and pitchers as well as decorative items. The Chinese used glass to create mosaic tiles, glass beads and other diversification. It was actually the Anglo-Saxons who could be credited with inventing the glass window. Evidence of Anglo-Saxon glass can be found all across England in various archeological digs and sites. The Anglo-Saxons used glass for beads, as did may other civilizations, but also they used it for vessels, jewellery and windows. Small glass panes were created and flattened so that they could be fixed into lead frames. The small glass panes were then pieced together like a jigsaw and placed permanently inside a window frame.

Different Kinds of Glass

Glass & glazing in Rugby is a trade that most locksmiths undertake. They replace damaged and broken shop fronts, house windows, and all other residential and commercial glass. There are many different types of glass compared to the standards and choices of previous generation. For instance, laminated and toughened glass are now common types of glass that are used in many different situations, such as car windscreens, shop front windows and commercial premises. Many people use toughened glass in their homes in patio doors, back doors, front doors and that actual windows themselves.

There are many options when it comes to replacing or renewing glass in your home. Speaking to glazing specialist will answer most of your questions. If you need to know about glass and the best choice for your home replacement simply get in contact with a professional.

For broken windows, trust in Eyden Locksmiths to provide the solution. We specialise in glass replacement, from standard glass to more specialised glass. Visit them online!

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