A Chiropractor in Ferguson can Help Reduce Back Pain

by | Apr 20, 2020 | Chiropractor

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Back pain is one of the most common reasons that people miss work or can’t attend important social events. These injuries can be caused by an accident or the wear and tear of daily life. They can also be very hard to diagnose and treat. If left untreated, back pain can affect other parts of the body. People may eventually lose the use of their arms or legs. This can occur, because every nerve in the body begins in the spine. Injured people can turn to a Chiropractor in Ferguson to help heal their injury and reduce their pain.

Pain can occur when a bone is out of place and rubs against a nerve. That’s why some people experience substantial pain relief after just one chiropractic adjustment. While adjustments bring relief, the effect may only be temporary. Muscles and tendons hold the bones in the proper location. If they are weak or injured, they don’t have the stamina to maintain the proper alignment. Therefore, in addition to performing adjustments, a Chiropractor in Ferguson uses many other tools to help the body find and maintain its proper alignment.

These include treatments such as electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, Kinesio Taping, and spinal decompression. Electrical stimulation helps stop muscle spasms and reduce swelling. Therapeutic ultrasound produces sound at a frequency that stimulates soft tissue to repair itself. Kinesio Tape provides support to muscles and joints without restricting their range of motion. Spinal decompression slowly stretches the spine to reduce the pressure on discs and vertebrae. Chiropractors also partner with massage therapists and physical therapists. A physical therapist can show an injured person how to strengthen their muscles and increase flexibility. This will enable their body to maintain a healthy alignment. The chiropractor and physical therapist will design an exercise program that the patient can use to keep their body strong and healthy throughout their life. A massage therapist can help reduce the person’s stress levels, which can also relax tight and painful muscles. The Back & Neck Care Center of North County is one of the medical practices that provide these services.

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