A Commercial Juice Dispenser Makes You More Money

by | Mar 9, 2015 | Business

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If you’re in business, you want to make money. The only way to do that is to make sure your profits outweigh your expenses. If you own a fast food restaurant, cafeteria, convenience store or amusement facility, getting rid of cans and bottles and replacing them with a commercial juice dispenser makes good sense.

Juice for Everyone
These days, more and more parents are trying to reduce the amount of soda their kids drink. The carbonated beverage is now more of a treat than an everyday thing. Make parents happy by offering their kids choices when it comes to their beverage. A commercial juice dispenser will give you the ability to offer various juices from grape and apple to cranberry and pomegranate.

Cost vs. Profit
The cost of a juice dispenser will quickly be offset by your profits. The dispenser will pay for itself in no time. If you’ve already been offering juice to your customers, you’ve got even more benefits to be happy about. Think about all the space you’ll save. You’ll have no more bottles or cans to store and no more bottles and cans to send to the trash or recycle bin. If you’re paying for recycling, you will greatly reduce that cost as well.

Speaking of Space
You’ll also save space in the places the customer sees. Fast food restaurants and convenience stores can save space with a four valve hotel, restaurant and convenience store juice dispenser. With its stainless steel exterior, drip tray assembly, and four post-mixing dispenser valves that can be cleaned and serviced independently, you’ll be ready to serve your customers and keep your employees happy with how easy it is to run.

Serve Your Customers
There’s no doubt that every day you face challenges when serving your customers. People are sometimes demanding. They want what they want, when they want it. With self-serve dispensers, you can give your customers many choices and they can get exactly what they want and how they want it. Do they want lots of ice or no ice? Let them decide. They’ll be happy, and happy customers come back time and time again. Don’t let your competition beat you to the punch. Get your beverage dispensers today and watch your profit margins rise.

Find a juice dispenser perfect for your commercial operation at lancercorp.com. Lancer: Soda Dispensing Innovation.


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