A Guide for Construction Related Wrongful Death Claims in Branford, FL

by | Nov 2, 2015 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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In Florida, construction sites are a prime contender in terms of accidental death. Under safety laws, the forearm is required to manage these areas and prevent common accidents. When a foreman fails to provide the proper duty to their workers, it is more likely that a fatality may occur. Wrongful death claims in Live Oak, FL give the victim’s family the opportunity to acquire compensation.

Reviewing the Circumstances of the Fatality

After a construction site accident, the scene is investigated by the proper agencies. This investigation is conducted to identify the exact failure that lead to the fatality. The foreman must provide all documentation for safety controls and repairs that were needed. It is the foreman that is initially accountable for the accident since they are required to manage the workspace.

OSHA Inspections of the Workplace

OSHA must inspect all construction sites in which a fatal accident occurred. They must evaluate the work area for the presence of risk control strategies. They assess the safety standards used by the construction company to determine if they were compliant with the law. They also inspect the events that lead up to the accident and fatality to determine if the victim was liable.

Examining the Worker’s Injuries and Cause of Death

The worker’s injuries must be conducive with the events of the accident. It is determines at what point the worker died. If the accident related to explosives or high altitudes the investigation should determine that the equipment was faulty. However, construction companies that don’t follow the safety policy are at fault for failing to provide a safe work environment.

A medical examiner must present testimony associated with the victim’s injuries. They must detail how these injuries occurred. They must identify an exact cause of death for the victim.

In Florida, construction workers are at a higher risk of a fatality. Unfortunately, the reason for these higher statistics is a failure on the foreman’s part to follow safety guidelines. Construction companies that are facing quick deadlines may take short cuts to complete the project sooner. This could lead to critical errors that lead to death. Families that are ready to file wrongful death claims in Live Oak, FL should visit Northfloridaautoaccidentlawyer.com for further details.

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