It’s understandable that people don’t know a lot about Cremation in Forest Hill. Death isn’t something that most people like to think about. Even when it is time to prepare for a funeral, people tend to still not like to think about the details. The fact remains that someone may have to make the hard choice of whether to have a traditional burial or have a loved one cremated. This usually occurs when a person dies without leaving final instructions. Before choosing between cremation and traditional burial, a person will probably have some questions about cremation.
Some people are under the false impression that when Cremation in Forest Hill is done that there can’t be a viewing of the body. People can have traditional viewings and still choose to have the deceased cremated. Usually, when there is going to be a viewing of the body, the body will have to be embalmed. If there isn’t going to be a viewing, the body can be cremated without undergoing the embalming process. Some people choose the cremation option because it is cheaper than a traditional burial. It can costs thousands of dollars more for a traditional burial at one of the areas funeral homes such as Evans Funeral Chapel and Cremation Services. Families can go over costs with funeral directors to decide on the best course of action for their financial situation.
Cremation actually involves more than one step. It’s a process that is done on an individual basis, so bodies aren’t burned together in cremation chambers. The chambers are thoroughly cleaned between cremations. The first part of cremation deals with placing the body in a chamber for a couple hours. The temperature inside of the chamber is well in excess of 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. After the body has been in the chamber long enough, the cremated remains are extracted from the chamber. The next step is making the remains into a powder. It is this powder that is then placed inside of an urn. Families can select their own urns. Funeral directors will usually help families with the selection process. They will discuss sizes and styles of urns. Click here for more information.