A Lollipop Tree Is Gorgeous, But Is It Safe?

by | Apr 14, 2014 | Landscaping

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We’ve all seen gorgeous trees that are shaped like lollipops. They are perfectly round, with no holes or gaps to be seen. But, are those types of trees safe? Probably not. You see, Trees that are what we would consider ‘picture-perfect’ may be perfectly susceptible to getting knocked over in a strong wind storm.

If a tree offers little to no resistance to wind, the wind can push the tree over. This is particularly dangerous after a heavy rainfall, or when the tree roots are not deep enough in the ground. It’s important for the wind to be able to move through the canopy of trees, so the trees do not get forced over. Spokane Tree Services can assess the condition of your trees, and determine if any branches should be removed so the trees are able to have wind move through their canopies. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your tree will no longer have that beautiful shape of a perfect lollipop, but the lollipop may not be as dense after some of the branches are removed to reduce the wind resistance.

Spokane Tree Services will also need to assess the condition of the roots of the trees, and the water saturation of the ground beneath the trees. Particularly heavy rainfall can cause soil erosion around the base of a tree. This can adversly affect the roots of the tree, making the roots less able to hold the tree in the ground when a forceful wind blows at the canopy above. Saturated soil can also reduce the soil’s ability to hold the roots in place, in simple terms. Conversely, extremely dry conditions can also affect the roots of the tree, and therefore the tree’s capability to withstand a windstorm.

Homeowners who have trees particularly close to their homes should have the trees inspected by Spokane Pro Care on an annual basis. The inspection should include assessments for wind resistance, the soil quality of the ground beneath, and if there are any rotted branches. The tree service should also determine if trees have any diseases that could cause the tree to be susceptible to falling. Visit our website!

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